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28 Tips for Keeping Your 2020 Water Conservation Resolutions

If you made water conservation resolutions on New Year’s Day and are struggling to achieve this resolution, you may not be alone. It can be hard to think about all the different ways that you could conserve water at home, at work, and on the go.

Even if you already made some strides, you might be looking for other things you can do to take your water conservation resolution to the next level. To help you on your journey to conserve more water and do something good for the environment, check out these tips shared by our professional air conditioning and plumbing technicians.

Tip #1: Fix Leaking Faucets

If you have leaking faucets, not only are you wasting water, but you are also throwing money away with higher water bills.

Plumber fixing kitchen sink

Tip #2: Upgrade to Water Conserving Faucets and Fixtures

Replace older faucets and fixtures, including the shower and tub, with ones that use a fraction of water.

Tip #3: Do Dishes in the Dishwasher

Unless you have non-dishwasher-safe dishes, you should be doing your dishes in the dishwasher. A dishwasher uses a fraction of the water of hand washing and rinsing.

Tip #4: Upgrade to a Water-Saving Dishwasher

New dishwashers have sensing features that determine how much water is needed to wash dishes to get them clean.

Tip #5: Only Run the Dishwasher When It’s Full

Wait until your dishwasher is full before running it since it will use less water than running partial loads.

Tip #6: Fix Leaking Toilets

Leaking toilets can waste a lot of water. Whether the flapper is bad or the wax ring seal is cracked, you should fix leaking toilets as soon as possible.

Tip #7: Upgrade to a Water-Conserving Toilet

You don’t have to replace the entire toilet to get water-saving features. There are new flush mechanisms designed to be retrofitted in older toilets to help conserve water.

Tip #8: Fix Leaking Water Heaters

Whether you have a tank-based water heater or a tankless water heater, leaking water heaters are wasting water. For tank-based heaters, leaks often indicate it is time to replace the water heater. Consider upgrading to a tankless water heater.

For leaking tankless water heaters, the plumbing connections may need to be repaired or replaced. This is an easy fix with a call to your plumbing professional.

Tip #9: Get a New Front-Load Washer

Front-load washers use a fraction of the water as top loaders. Thanks to recent technology advances, front-loading machines have sensors that determine how much water is needed to clean your clothes. Some models also have steam features that save even more water.

Tip #10: Only Run Full Loads of Laundry

It can be tempting to run partial loads of laundry just to have the chore completed. However, you are wasting more water than waiting until you have a full load of laundry.

Tip #11: Stop Buying Bottled Water

Bottled water is a big water waster and not good for the environment—not to mention all those plastic water bottles that end up in landfills. Instead, invest in a water filtration system and reusable water bottles to always have access to fresh, filtered water.

Tip #12: Install a Water Softener

If you have hard water, you can help save water, as well as cut other expenses, by having your plumber install a water softener in your home or business.

plumber Installing water filter into system

Tip #13: Take More Showers

Taking a shower uses less water than filling the tub. Granted, it is nice to soak in the tub to relieve stress and relax. However, limit the number of baths you take each week, and you will help reduce your water usage.

Tip #14: When Not in Use, Shut It Off

There’s no reason to leave the water running while brushing your teeth. Turn the water off and don’t turn it back on until you are ready to rinse.

Tip #15: Stop Watering Your Lawn

A big water-waster is trying to maintain a pristine, green lawn. A better solution is to replace your lawn with artificial grass that requires no watering. Plus, you won’t have to waste money on gas, lawn mowing, fertilizers, and grass seed ever again.

Tip #16: Cover Your Pool

If you have a pool, put the cover on it when you are not using it to reduce water evaporation.

Tip #17: Reuse Cooking Water

The water you use to boil pasta, boil potatoes, or steam vegetables can be reused instead of pouring it down the drain. Get a reusable container for your cooking water. Use this water for watering houseplants or your vegetable garden.

Tip #18: Wash Your Car with a Waterless Car Wash Soap

Waterless car wash soaps are great to use on your car when it isn’t that dirty. You just spray it on following the application instructions and gently wipe it off for a clean car without using any water.

Tip #19: Replace Plants and Shrubs with Low-Water-Use Versions

There are plenty of plants and shrubs that don’t require much water to thrive and which are perfect for Texas climates—like various types of cactus plants, bamboo, and lilac bushes.

Tip #20: Use Rubber Mulch for Landscaping

Rubber mulch is made from recycled tires, so you are already doing some good for the environment. Secondly, rubber mulch helps prevent moisture loss to keep your plants, shrubs, and garden moist for longer.

Tip #21: Reuse Bath Water

For those times you do take a bath, get a storage drum and save the used bathwater. You can use this water for flushing the toilet and watering your plants and garden.

Tip #22: Invest in a Gray Water Reclamation System

If you want to collect used water easily, a gray water reclamation system is a good investment. You can reclaim most of the water used in your home, except for toilets, and use it for other purposes like watering the lawn, washing the cash, or flushing the toilet.

Tip #23: Install Rain Barrels to Your Downspouts

You can use rain barrels to collect water runoff from the roof of your home and use this for other purposes. You can also set up individual rain barrels to collect rainwater, so you have access to water during droughts.

Rain barrels collecting water in the garden

Tip #24: Start Celebrating Meatless Mondays

Meat production uses a lot of water. Every family that skips eating meat one day every week helps to save hundreds of gallons of water annually.

Tip #25: Insulate Your Hot Water Pipes

Insulating your hot water supply lines means the water does not take as long to heat up, so you use less water.

Tip #26: Never Thaw Frozen Foods with Tap Water

It can be tempting to quick-thaw frozen foods by running tap water over them, but this wastes a lot of water. Plan your meals ahead of time and thaw frozen foods in the refrigerator. Ideally, you should allow 48 hours for food to thaw in the refrigerator, so plan your meals at least two days in advance.

Tip #27: Get Rid of the Garbage Disposal

Running a garbage disposal wastes water. Most of the things you put down the disposal could be repurposed and reused. Start a composting pile, instead, to make natural eco-friendly fertilizer for your plants and garden.

Tip #28: Pay Attention to Your Water Bill

If you notice a spike in your water bill and have been conserving water, it often indicates a water leak somewhere inside the home. Call your professional plumber to find, locate, and fix the leak.

By using some or all of these tips, you can help conserve water, reduce your water and energy bills, and achieve your 2020 New Year’s Resolution to use less water.

For leaking faucets, leaking toilets, leaking water heaters, and plumbing repairs and upgrades for your Temple, New Braunfels, San Antonio, or Austin Metro home to help save water, please feel free to contact Christianson Air Conditioning & Plumbing at 512-246-5400 today!

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