A plumbing stoppage is a major problem that can’t be ignored for very long. Matters tend to be even more frustrating when you can’t figure out exactly what is causing the stoppage, much less how you could possibly fix it. When you run into a problem of this nature, you should call Christianson Air Conditioning & Plumbing to take advantage of our seventy years of experience with drain stoppages and related plumbing issues.
Toilet Stoppages
There are a number of ways that a toilet can become stopped up. Sometimes the kids decide to amuse themselves by dropping plastic toys into it. In other instances, adults cause the stoppage by tossing hard-to-flush objects in there like heavy paper towels. You don’t have to know what’s creating the stoppage—contact us and we’ll send our trained technicians over to have a look.
Kitchen Sink & Shower Drain Stoppages
These are other areas where stoppages commonly occur. If your shower or kitchen sink is all backed up, you need a quick solution, and it’s best to get a professional to find one for you. Give us a call so we can come to you ASAP.
Sewer Line Stoppages
This is the most serious type of plumbing stoppage. While the other types may be localized, a blockage in your main sewer line can affect your entire plumbing system. That’s because this line is connected to everything in the home that runs water—the shower, the toilet, the sink, and so on.
Common symptoms of a sewer stoppage include backed-up water in first-floor drains, which are closest to the main line. The issue can be caused by tree roots digging into the line, or deterioration of the line itself due to aging. An obstruction in the line could result in water being forced in the wrong direction, back into your home.
Give Us a Call
For drain stoppage service in Austin and San Antonio, TX, feel free to contact Christianson at your earliest convenience. We’ve been serving Texans since we opened our doors in 1950, and we’d love to assist you with your plumbing problems. Emergency plumbing services are available on request.