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How to Choose the Right Bathroom Fixtures for Your Home

Upgrading your bathroom fixtures can significantly improve your standard of living. By installing new fixtures, you can improve your energy efficiency, eliminate wasteful leaks, and make the area look better. A good bathroom makeover can also increase your home’s resale value.

Choosing bathroom fixtures is ultimately up to your preferences. Even so, you should be aware of the differences among the various options out there. With that in mind, here’s a brief guide to modern bathroom plumbing fixtures.


Water flowing from shower in the bathroom interior

The right shower head can make a world of difference. Your options for your tub and shower include the following:

Rain shower head – This is basically a shower head that is positioned directly over the head of the bather and “rains” water directly down, rather than shooting it at a 45-degree angle as with a conventional shower head. They are often installed in the ceiling, but wall-mounted rain shower heads are available that can accommodate standard shower pipes.

Many people find that these shower heads provide a relaxing experience, and they’re useful for those with limited mobility because there’s no need to turn around to expose the full body to water.

Sliding bar shower head – This is a shower head that is fitted onto a vertical bar attached to the wall. It can be easily slid up or down according to the bather’s preferences. The sliding bar shower head is especially helpful for households with people of widely varying heights (e.g., those with small children).

If you’d rather just get a standard old-fashioned sort of shower head, that’s certainly an acceptable option. You might want to look into a shower head that has EPA WaterSense certification, which indicates a model with at least 20% better water efficiency than comparable products on the market. Shower heads with the WaterSense label use a maximum of 2.0 gallons per minute.


white toilet bowl on wooden floor

When it comes to toilets, you need to decide whether you’ll get a one-piece or a two-piece model. What’s the difference? In a two-piece toilet, the tank and the bowl are separate parts that must be connected during installation, while a one-piece toilet is a solid, complete structure.

One-piece toilets are increasingly popular these days due to their sleek appearance, and they’re easier to maintain. They are, however, more expensive than traditional two-piece models. It’s also true that two-piece toilets are easier to install and, when needed, to relocate from one place to another.

You also need to decide on a round-front or elongated toilet. How do you know which is which? Viewed from above, round-front toilets have a circular shape, while elongated types are egg-shaped.

The elongated types tend to be more comfortable and use less water. Unfortunately, they’re the more expensive of the two kinds, and due to their size they tend not be well suited to small bathroom spaces. If you don’t have much room to work with, you may have to opt for a round-front toilet.

The height of your toilet is an important factor that many homeowners overlook. If you or someone in your household suffers from physical disability, you may want to look into getting what is called a comfort height toilet, which is two to four inches taller than the standard toilet. These toilets are helpful for very tall people as well. If you live with someone who is disabled, it is important to factor in all changes to your home so that it makes it easier for them to navigate, as there can be a lot of difficulty in everyday things. You may want to also look at In Home Care Services For Disabled Adults & Children to see how else they can be helped, especially if there is something within the home that cannot be modified for them and they need extra help using it.


Bathroom wooden table with washbasin, faucet, plants and soap bottles

Many homeowners love having an attractive, stylish sink in the powder room. If that describes you, we have good news, because there are multiple options for you to consider, including:

Vessel sink – This is the name of those snazzy-looking sinks that sit atop the bathroom counter, rather than being positioned inside it. They’re easy to install and replace, but they can be tricky to clean properly, particularly in the area where the bowl and counter meet. They’re also prone to splash issues, especially if there’s high water pressure, so get a faucet with a low flow rate.

Pedestal sink – This is a type of sink that is positioned on a stand and attached to a wall. They’re an ideal option if you want to conserve space. They also offer the benefit of being easy to maintain.

Wall-mounted sink – As you’ve probably guessed, this type of sink is attached directly to the wall, with no need for a counter. It is similar to the pedestal sink, except that no part of it reaches the ground. This feature makes it useful for people in wheelchairs, as these mobility aids can be easily positioned underneath the sink.

Sink Faucets

Cold water flowing from faucet in clean bright bathroom

The faucet is another fixture that comes in a wide range of varieties. For instance, you have access to a number of finishes to complement your overall bathroom design: stainless-steel, nickel, bronze, chrome, and more. However, it’s important to understand that some bathroom sinks can’t accommodate certain types of faucet styles.

Your faucet options are partly determined by the number of holes that are drilled behind your sink: some bathroom setups have three holes, others only one. If you have a three-hole setup, the space between the holes is another factor that might come into play. You might want to consult with a plumber prior to deciding on what faucet you’ll be purchasing.

Bathrooms with one hole in the wall are pretty much restricted to single-hole faucets, where the handle is typically built right into it. The widespread faucet-where there’s two water handles separate from the faucet on each side-is a common choice for three-hole setups, but it requires a lot of space.

Touchless faucets allow the user to turn them on without needing to make contact with a handle or knob. For that reason, they tend to be more sanitary than the typical faucet. They also work well for elderly persons or anyone who has issues with hand grip. If you have one or more people in your household who fit that description and you don’t want to go touchless, consider installing a joystick handle or lever handles rather than knobs.

Not certain what options work with your bathroom? Call Christianson Air Conditioning & Plumbing. Since 1950, we’ve provided high-quality plumbing services to customers throughout Central and South Texas.

We offer quality plumbing remodeling services that can give you the kind of bathroom that fits your house and your tastes. Let us handle your remodeling project.

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