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How to Operate Air Conditioning Efficiently and Save Energy

Today, air conditioning is more than simply an optional convenience. It helps keep indoor temperatures at within a tolerable range, which is very Operating an Air Conditioning Systemimportant in the year-round Texas heat. However, that comfort comes at a price—in the monthly utility bill, of course, but also in the energy used. If we look to the past, however, we can discover some air conditioning tips to save energy and money.

Keeping your utility bill down can be a challenge. In fact, the U.S. Department of Energy estimates that air conditioning can account for nearly half of the average home’s energy consumption. This number may be even higher for Texas residents, who are used to long, sweltering summers. Not all the expense is necessary for most homeowners, though, if they change certain inefficient habits and make sure their HVAC system is running properly and is well-maintained.

The Importance of Proper Installation and Maintenance

Keeping your HVAC equipment in good working condition is important, as the problems can begin almost immediately if your unit isn’t properly installed. That’s why it’s important to hire only experienced HVAC professionals to set up your cooling system.

Just as important, you should have your HVAC unit serviced to save on energy bills, as there is a variety of things that can go wrong that will run up your bill fast. This may include improperly operating fans, malfunctioning condensers, clogged vent-lines, and more. Clogged ducts are so common that the Department of Energy estimates that, in the typical home, 20 to 30 percent of air moving through HVAC ducts is lost through leaks in the ductwork.

Efficient A/C Habits to Save Energy

While it goes without saying that keeping your thermostat at a higher temperature will save you money in the warmer seasons, certain other tips Air Conditioning Installation and Maintenancemay be less well-known.

Keeping your home cool doesn’t mean relying 100 percent on the A/C. In fact, if we look to the past, we can see many ways Texans managed to stay cool before the advent of commonplace A/C, and these “cooling hacks” can still be used today.

Tips include:

  • Use a ceiling fan, and other ventilation strategies. If necessary, put a bucket of ice in front of the fan to blow even cooler air.
  • Install solar screens or window films. These can block out up to 70 percent of solar energy before it enters the home.
  • Have your home properly insulated. Insulation is both helpful for heating and cooling.
  • Don’t create extra heat. Turning certain lights or operating appliances on can turn up the heat in the room. For example, don’t cook in the oven if the outside grill is available, instead. Install energy-efficient lighting that runs cooler than incandescent light bulbs.
  • Turn off the A/C at night. Keep the windows open at night, and close them in the morning and pull down the blinds to keep sunlight from heating your room even more.

Christianson Air Conditioning & Plumbing has followed several “Green Initiatives” to help save energy and to save you money. These include:

  • High-efficiency equipment
  • Energy star certified products
  • Ozone friendly refrigerants

To learn more tips on how to save on your energy bill, or to schedule an appointment with our HVAC experts, please contact one of our area offices for more information.


  1. https://energy.gov/public-services/homes/heating-cooling
  2. https://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=home_improvement.hm_improvement_ducts

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