How to Prepare Your Home for a Texas Winter Freeze
Many Texans do not think about how to prepare their homes for a freeze until it’s too late. Sadly, they soon forget the cold weather and storm that hit Texas in February of 2021, leaving many homes with frozen water pipes, no power for weeks, and related damages.
Instead of waiting for the next Texas winter freeze and storm to hit, it is better to take steps now to prepare your home. The best place to start is by learning how to protect pipes from freezing, like having your plumber improve the insulation on all exposed water lines.
You should also know what to do to prevent frozen water pipes when temperatures are going to dip below freezing. Oftentimes, you will have at least a few days notice to take steps to prepare your house for the freezing weather.
Furthermore, make sure you have an emergency supply kit prepared in case of a power outage. It also doesn’t hurt to fill bathtubs with water before the freezing temperatures and weather arrive to have access to extra water.
To learn more about how to prepare your home for a Texas winter freeze, we invite you to continue reviewing the following infographic.
For help preparing your home’s plumbing lines against freezing, please feel free to contact Christianson Air Conditioning & Plumbing at 512-246-5400 today! Our experienced Austin plumbers and San Antonio plumbers are always available 24/7 should you ever have a plumbing emergency.
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